Goodbye Lenin! Assignment 9

Movie: Goodbye Lenin! Directed by Wolfgang Becker, Germany (2003) Drama / Political Satire parts/115 12 minutes in German, with English subtitles (default), please check the CC (subtitles) from captions translated into any language --- --- 1 Click the arrow next to the CC. 2. Then click Translate. 3. Select your language from the menu below, then viola!. NOTE: This movie contains adult language, some drug use and brief nudity (Rated R forMPAA) Time for some children the story! ... Type. A farce, but moving version of one of the major turning points in recent history, his last years of the Cold War in East Germany and the Berlin Wall, to go through a major recycling campaign, while the edges are broken and celebrate the streets, but I will save you from all appearance of David Hasselhoff. A modern version of the old story of Rip van Winkle, Good Bye, Lenin! is a funny story but heard aboutcan be difficult to change and keep our dreams and people loveImagine is election day in the United States in 2000. After seeing the news that night, Al Gore is declared the winner and plans to go to bed early so you can work the next morning. Only at night, you suffer a stroke coma. You wake up ten months later to see George W. Bush is the president, the economy is in ruins, and New York and Washington, DC, are victims ofunprecedented ...



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